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Information in ElectrospinTech is collaboratively developed by users through submission of materials, suggestions and discussion through email or website.

Although there is no formal review process, submitted materials may still be reviewed by our technology reviewers prior to posting on the website. During the review, you may be requested to provide more information. ElectrospinTech will decide on its discretion whether or not to publish the submitted materials. Submitted materials may be segmented and inserted into different topics base on relevance.

Information submitted may be edited prior to posting to fit the context and flow within the webpage.

Users who have contributed to the topic and discussion will be acknowledged via a contributor lists.

By submitting your material through email or uploading onto the website, you have granted ElectrospinTech non-exclusive and royalty free rights to post the submitted information.

You must have copyright ownership of all materials (including but not restricted to data, images, graphs etc.) that you have submitted. Otherwise, any confidential or restricted information must be made known to us and these will be kept confidential.

All writings must be original and not plagiarized or copied from other sources. Writings with supporting evidence or cited references are preferred.

You retain the copyright for all submitted information and the same information may be used for other disclosures (publications, posters, thesis etc.) subjected to the other party's terms and conditions.


Last updated: 24 April 2013